CBT / Psychological Therapy
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based treatment approach for commonly experienced psychological disorders such as anxiety disorders, depression, OCD, Eating Disorders, PTSD, and many more. At the heart of CBT is the idea that the automatic thought-feeling-behavior cycles we can fall into in an attempt to manage our difficult emotions, may instead maintain psychological distress. The therapeutic relationship is collaborative, whereby the therapist and client together explore the reciprocal interaction between thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. CBT uses a combination of cognitive and behavioural techniques to break these vicious cycles such as thought challenging and testing of beliefs and assumptions via behavioural experiments.
As time has passed, third wave approaches such as compassion-focused therapy (CFT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and mindfulness have been interweaved into CBT approaches. All of our therapists use CBT in this way, providing flexibility whilst still adhering to the model that has been proven to be so effective. The aim of our therapists is to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate difficulties long after therapy has finished.
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