EMDR Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing Therapy
EMDR is a therapy that helps process traumatic memories. The central concept is that all information, from any of our senses, is initially processed by our brain’s 'alarm' centre on the right side. Under normal circumstances, memories are then processed over to the logical, left side of the brain, where they are stored as old memories. Unfortunately, traumatic memories get “stuck” in the alarm centre, repeatedly flashing up and triggering emotional distress long after the event is over. Trauma memories have been likened to being a file that has never been put into the filing cabinet of “old memories”, making it seem as though the threat is still there. For those considering EMDR, processing memories fully can feel like stepping into a dark tunnel filled with memories and emotions that you’ve been avoiding for years. It is a difficult process, with lots of hard work, but the benefits that can result can be life changing.
The core of EMDR therapy involves using bilateral stimulation- buzzers that are held in each hand - to help the brain reprocess these stuck memories in a way that reduces their intensity. The results can be truly remarkable. Over time with EMDR, memories lose their power to cause emotional pain, allowing us to move forward with our lives.
EMDR therapy involves several phases:
Preparation: EMDR is explained. You may be given relaxation and coping techniques to manage potential distress.
Assessment: This phase identifies specific trauma memories and defines the thoughts, emotions, and body sensations linked to the traumatic event.
Desensitization: bilateral stimulation (hand buzzers) is used to help you process the trauma memory. You recall the memory while holding buzzers in each hand.
While some clients describe feeling free from long-standing traumas after just a few sessions, it’s important to note that EMDR doesn’t work for everyone. For those who find it helpful, while EMDR won’t erase the events of the past, it changes the way you experience them. The intensity fades - and you’re no longer stuck in the whirlpool of traumatic memories. For many clients, this means no longer being haunted by intrusive thoughts or flashbacks, and no longer feeling trapped by the weight of past experiences.
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